Sunday, April 5, 2009

A lovely rainy day!

It was a beautiful day today. A steady drizzle of rain fell throughout the day here, though only enough to energize a person. It was one of those misty rains that felt more like your skin prickling than raindrops beating down on you. After taking a few pictures of some chopsticks this morning, Bylen and I decided it'd be a lovely day to photograph some of our local flowers peppering various parts of our yard; sadly, the daffodils and hyacinth had already faded into the memories of early spring. Here's what we did find; we hope you enjoy the bounty of our rainy outing in the rain as much as we did. (By the way, zoom in on these babies for a better shot, I shrunk them so my blog wouldn't be homicidal on anyone's computer.)
My first showy victim, a patch of clover dusted with the afternoon rain:

Columbine, which miraculously came back out this year after dying off completely:

Two dandelion shots, drenched with rain:
Bylen's lilac bush; gee, these things smell terrific:

A water oak frond, for lack of a better term, the 'flower' of an oak tree (we call 'em oak worms!):

Pink dogwood blooms:
My rosemary is blooming! And a watery spiderweb on the same rosemary bush (poor spider...):

A wild azalea, such an interesting looking plant...:

And finally, a few white dogwood pictures:


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