Sunday, April 25, 2010

Handmade Sushi plates

Furthering the idea I had of looking up handmade chopstick rests, here's some sushi plates to entice you. If you do a search for sushi plates on etsy, you'll see that there is quite honestly, a TON of them. It was really, really hard to decide, but here's a sampling, at least. If you want to see more, check out Etsy and see what you like.

Photo and item by:

As stated before, this is the tip of the iceburg.
Hey. Since you're heading to Etsy, why don't you stop by my shop as well?
Have fun. :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

An Update on Chickens

Okay, time to bore you with more pictures of my little chicks. Now they're about 2 weeks old, and my how they have grown! You'll have to excuse my over-excitement, but I'm quite delighted in my little ones. (Just humor me.) :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

handmade Chopstick Rests (..not mine.)

I decided to do a search of chopstick rests under the Handmade catergory on Etsy, and here's some of the more awesome ones I found.I of course make my own chopstick rests that come free with purchase of my chopsticks, but some of you might find another that you'd like to use to make your set more unique. Shop links are listed below each picture. :)

Shop and photo by:

Shop and photo by:

Shop and photo by:

Pay 'em a visit sometime.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Yay, pictures!

Hey, it's spring again! Time for more rainy-day photos.
Also, I modified my unused greenhouse into a chicken coop, so I have some adorable little additions to the family now. They are straight run mixed, so who knows what they are just yet. The surprise when they get older is part of the excitement of it all, I think. (Just so you know, the chicks are separated in two 3 x 3 hutches for now as they are of different ages. Later on they'll be released into the full length coop.)

And now, the chicks...